Ethical Policy

Ethical Policy Statement :-

1) Employment is freely chosen
2) Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
3) Working conditions are safe and hygienic
4) Child labour shall not be used
5) Living wages are paid
6) Working hours are not excessive
7) No discrimination is practiced
8) Regular employment is provided
9) No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed


Company is engaged in importing of Natural Landscaping Stones from India and
joined ETI in the year 2011. Since then the Company has come a long way in
implementing ETI principles in its supply chain down to quarry level. We had
participated in many events organized by ETI in U.K and India. We have a team
of four personnel who look after / organize the affairs of the activities
related to ETI. The activities regarding implementation of ETI principles in
its supply chain is directly monitored and supervised by the director of the
Company. Company’s first tier supplier in India is M/S Manu Tiling Company (P)
Ltd who is also actively participating in the process of implementing ETI
principles in its supply chain. Manu Tiling is also having a team of three
personnel for looking after the affairs of ETI activities in the supply chain.

joining ETI during the year 2011, the main task undertaken by the Company was
to eradicate the menance of child labour from its supply chain. We are of
strong view that the purpose of eradicating child labour is not solved unless
those displaced children are properly rehabilitated. So we are actively
involved in rehabilitation the displaced children by supporting them
financially and by undertaking their education programmes with the help of NGOs
engaged in the welfare activities of under privileged children. We are also
effectively utilising the services of student volunteers for this purpose. This
activity of the Company, we believe, come as corporate social responsibility
and expected to be a continued process.

area we gave stress was employing proper safety measures in the work area by
wearing safety equipment’s and provision of clean and hygienic working
conditions for workers in their respective area of operation. With the help of
leaders of workers’ union, Trade Union leaders and NGOs operating locally we were
able to achieve much in this area. There tend to be lot of laxity on the part
of workers in wearing protective gears, seemingly due to adverse weather
conditions. However, by educating workers properly through our ETI team, NGOs,
Trade Union leaders and students’ volunteers, we could achieve much in this area.
However, we feel that still there is room for improvement in this area and we
are carrying forwards our efforts with the active participation of the other
agencies also.

director of the Company is actively involving in its activities related to
implementation of ETI principles and financial resources are not a constraint
in this regard. Involvement of students’ volunteers in our activities is relatively
a new development for us. We are providing financial and logistical assistance
to students’ volunteers for carrying out their activities especially in the far
flung quarry areas.

are also arranging meetings, study classes and seminars regularly at different
areas in our supply chain for effective implementation of ETI principles and
distribute brochures, write ups & posters. We did also establish grievance
redressal channels for workers down to the quarry area. We are carrying out our
activities in this regard, with active involvement of TUs, NGOs and students’

future endurance includes bringing all the workers in our supply chain under
Provident Fund scheme as well ESI facility and thus providing Job Security.

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